First competition day is over, I go to bed with a smile!

It is with a smile I go to bed tonight. It has been an amazing day performing in the disciplines STA and DNF, meeting other athletes and see them perform. I love the smile of the athletes being new to the sport and doing PB:s in their first Championship. STA – waiting With a water temperature of 27 degrees Celsius I feel comfortable. I always prefer being more cold than warm while doing STA. The whole performance felt so light, so calm and under control. My plan was to wait out the others. That was exactly what happend. My aim in STA was to do a good dive and still have strength for the upcoming DNF dive wich was later in the afternoon. Tha STA was not a huge dive for me but it was a dive that gave me a white card, 5:48 minutes and a gold medal. DNF While doing a DNF dive it is not that easy to know what the other competitors in the same heat are doing and how long their dives are going to be. To be honest, this year, a good position in each dicipline and in the combination is what I want. The national records can wait. This is the one competition a year that gives the opportunity to bring home the title gold medalist in the swedish championship in pool freediving. I’m happy with my performance, the dive went smooth. White card, 128 meters and a gold medal. New faces, fantastic performances! This year there are many new faces to me! I’m so happy to see the interest of the sport grow and see the new athletes perfom. I want to mention the fantastic Hilma Karlsson from Linköping who did great PB:s in DNF (74 meters) and in STA (05:05 minutes), which also gave her a bronze medal! Congratulations! In the picture below you see Hilma and Oskar Särnholm preparing for their STA. Rebecca Broberg and me preparing as well. The fantastic Emma Åkerrén from the organization who brought home the silver medal in DNF. Hasse and Valdemar who took gold and silver in DNF and last Dena Parsa relaxing before DNF performance. One more day Tomorrow it is the second and last competition day. It is time for DYN. I’ll publish a post when the time is given to me. Be kind to your self, be kind to others. Nicole Edensbo, 2019-03-30Uppsala, Sweden