10 Life Quotes of a Freediver
It has come to be quite many texts, posts and quotes since I started writing this blog. I am happy to have a platform to share my thoughts. In this post I have selected 10 quotes about life that I want to share with you.
Peace & Reflection
“The more peace we have within our own lives, the more we can reflect into the outer world. Without reflection, we go blindly on our way. Find what brings your peace, find time to reflect, and your way will appear both bright and clear.”
Posionous Beauty
“Discover and explore all the beauty of the world. Enjoy it through the eyes of curiosity and true passion. Though, don’t be seduced or blinded by beauty because even beauty can be poisonous. Keep a distance, stay true to yourself. What is most beautiful is within you. The love and beauty within yourself.”
Find the Balance
“Everyone must find their own stability and get to know what conditions are best for themselves and grow from there. Build your own foundation, find your balance and fly.”
Breath In & Refuel
“Take the time you need to refuel. Breathe in, breathe out. Inhale the future, exhale the past and embrace the very moment towards extraordinary achievements.”
Live Your Life
“Realize and live the life you only dream about. Dare to step out of your comfort zone. Explore your self as well as the world around you. Life is happening now.”
Clarity of Mind
“The mind is like water, when it is turbulent it is difficult to see. When it is calm everything becomes clear. Find your peace and clear your mind.”
Self Love
“Always remember to be kind to your self. Being kind to your self starts with showing self love. By unconditional love for your self you will be able to accept who you are and what you are. You will be able to forgive and move on. Move on with a smiling heart.”
“Stillness and solitude introduces you to the secrets of your self.”
Consuming Progress
“The extreme focus on the outside inhibits our ability to come closer to life. It consumes us until we don’t know who we are except from our apparition as a reflection in the mirror.”
Let the Storm Clear
Whatever storm you may be facing, remember that you are so much bigger than it is. Find hope in the knowledge that you can and will recover. Restore peace, regain trust, and recognize your will to keep moving. You are clear, bright and steady. The storm is just the conditions around you. Let it clear and meet the new version of your self on the other side.”
Be kind to your self, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2019-10-29
Kalamata, Greece