, AIDA Depth World Championship 2019 – My dives

AIDA Depth World Championship 2019 – My dives

As I am planning for the depth season to come I stumbled over the videos from AIDA Depth World Championship 2019. I watched my dives and I realize that seeing them inspires me, more than ever, to go deep again.

Watch the videos of my dives from AIDA Depth World Championship below.

, AIDA Depth World Championship 2019 – My dives
Nicole Edensbo, CNF -47 meters. AIDA Depth World Championship 2019.
Photo by: Guillaume Estève.
Beautiful dives & more to work on

The championship was my first Depth World Championship as I started deep freediving last year. The championship was held in Villefranche-sur-Mer, where I am at the moment. I participated in this championship to gain experience witin depth competition, widen my freediving network, bring tags from the bottom plate and results of white cards. The competition gave me all of this and even more.

I was and still am very proud of my performances since I got a lot of positive critics from the comentators. After the championship I went deeper in all three disciplines and in two of them I even did national records; In October the 6th I did -77 meters FIM (free immersion) and five days later -52 meters CNF (constant weight no fins). I still have a lot to work on and I am so curious to see what this season will bring.

Watch the videos of my CWT and FIM dives from AIDA Depth World Championship 2019 in Villefranche-sur-Mer below.

CWT -73 meters, dive time 02:05 minutes

The video starts playing just before my official top.

Nicole Edensbo freediving Constant Weight to -73 meters with a dive time of 02:05 minutes. AIDA Depth World Championship 2019.
FIM -68 meters, dive time 02:20 minutes

The video starts playing just before my official top.

Nicole Edensbo freediving Constant Weight to -68 meters with a dive time of 02:20 minutes. AIDA Depth World Championship 2019.
CNF -47 meters, dive time 02:10 minutes

Here is the link to my CNF dive https://youtu.be/8_8lxBXpkFc?t=150
…by some reason it cannot be embeded in this blog post at the moment.

Be kind to yourself, be kind to others.

Nicole Edensbo, 2020-03-11
Villefranche-sur-Mer, France

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