Passion or prestige?
Almost anywhere we go in this world there is a message being sent to us, from ourselves, from society. The message encourages us to be something different from what we are. The message simply says ”…you are not enough!” It can sound like “You can work harder”, “You can do better”, “Do more”, “Do less”, “Do it another way”. As if what we do and what we are is not adequate.
We are encouraged…to work harder and do better as if we must “be someone” to deserve our existence.
Be someone
The messages of doing better often comes from media but many times also from the people around us and from ourselves. We reward the fighters, we give them a pat on the shoulder and say, “You work so hard, keep it up, you are the best”. We are encouraged to encourage to work harder and do better as if we must be defined with a superlative and “be someone” to deserve our existence.
I believe it is important to encourage to do good, to do better, to do something different. I also encourage the people around me. What we all must remember though, is that what is our intention with our encouraging words might not be what the receiver of the message understands. We are individuals in different situations in life with different personalities and what encourages me might not encourage you in a positive way. Maybe even the opposite.
Encouraging words with destructing results
For me, encouraging words work very well if the intention is to put wood on an already burning fire. I hear the words, mostly they make me happy and encourages me to do more. But the thing is, most of the time, I am already pushing myself. When I hear words like, you are such a hard worker, you are the best I want to prove that these words are truth. Of course, I want to live up to the image other people have on me if they are raising me to the sky. The words might have an effect on me that was not the intention. They might even be destructive.
…my freediving has become something for show of. Something that has to do with numbers instead of being a pure passion…
When it comes to freediving, for me, these are the moments when my passion becomes a platform for prestige. All of a sudden, my freediving has become something for show of. Something that has to do with numbers instead of being a pure passion born from the pleasure of being embraced by nature. It was not because of numbers I started freediving. It was because of what I felt, being a part of the endless sea.
Nicole Edensbo freediving outside Pylos, Greece, 2020. Photo by: Bastien Soleil I am aware of this and how I, as a person, reacts to encouraging, uplifting words and positive feedback. Still, it is sometimes hard to resist that a part of me that wants to show of and live up to the image. Everyday I have dialogues and discussions with my self about this. I remind myself that I am enough even though I do not hold my breath for more than 5 minutes or swim 100 meters without fins.
To be is enough
I guess I am not alone with these kinds of reactions. Even though we are all unique we are often very much alike. We, the society reward those who fight, those who “become someone” in life. Many of us want to be that someone, to be seen, rewarded and praised. Therefor we want to live up to these words and this image. To be the hard working and the best, the deepest, the coolest. I can go on with superlatives but let me stop there. Because to be is enough.
Nicole Edenbso Freedviver, Greece, September 2020. Photo by: Bastien Soleil Let encouraging words inspire you but do not let them make you a slave to your own or other people’s expectations.
There is nothing to prove
I have friends who are living lives different from mine. Sometimes I feel that they almost excuse themselves for living the life they live being happy with it, because it is a life not necessarily described with superlatives. I have heard words like: “I also want to be passionate about something to be more interesting”. And those who desperately are looking for their passion to find a meaning with life. Life is not about being someone by working the hardest at the office, diving the deepest on one breath, or doing the most interesting journeys. It is about love.
Life is about loving what you do and be satisfied and happy with it. If that means waking up with your family every morning or diving the deepest doesn’t matter. Let encouraging words inspire you but do not let them make you a slave to your own or other people’s expectations. We just have to be who we are. We have nothing to prove, not for ourselves nor for others. We don’t have to fight to deserve our existence.
Nicole Edensbo. Photo by: Jakob Sandberg Remind yourself about that sometimes. For sure I will remind myself many times more.
Be kind to yourself, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2020-03-19
Villefranche-sur-Mer, FranceNo expectations & acceptance
Have you ever reflected over how much expectations from yourself or others affect your life? Do you ever feel limited to change or move on because of a situation or relation? There are so many of us putting ourselves in situations that are limiting to us. And the limitations creates a feeling of being disgruntled as they cover life as heavy cloud on a mountain top.
Every single second we become something new. We must let go of our expectations based on the past.
Even though some situations such as relations tend to make us feel unhappy we seem to be stuck there. We are someway trapped in a status. In a relation it might be called best-friends, marriage, brotherhood or sisterhood. We seem to be stuck because we expected the relation was going to last forever, and a changed status of the relation is considered to be a failure. In many relationships there are norms and oftentimes written or unwritten rules that create these expectations on us.
We all know that kids grow up, they change. Yhey change interests, they change in knowledge and develop every day. They even remarkably change in appearance. We accept all this as a natural part of growing up. On the other hand, when it comes to “grownups” we seem to expect us to be like Bilbo’s trolls, but instead of turned into stone by daylight we turn into stone by adulthood.
During the whole life, we change. This is something we must accept. We must accept that we are developing just as we accept kids as they develop. We cannot expect from ourselves, nor from others, to be the same person as one year ago, one month ago or even one second ago. We cannot either know what we will become. Every single second we become something new. We must let go of our expectations based on the past and just accept what we become every moment of life. We must be dynamic.
That string is being strained and stretched until its breaking point and when it breaks it hurts.
Therefore, I think, it is not always easy to be static in one certain place, in one way of living or to be attached to certain people. To be able to evolve we must either to surround ourselves with people who has no expectations and accept the way we are and what we become. Or else, there will be friction and tension creating a struggle in life. The whole world is ever changing. Having attachment to something or someone, for me, is like a thin piece of string that prevent the natural development. That string is being strained and stretched until its breaking point and when it breaks it hurts. Sometimes the string completely hinder us to become what we could be.
We have to cut of this string and go on without pointless obstacles in our way. The signs, that reveal which way to go on our way, are everywhere but sometimes hard to see because of this string holding us back, not being flexible for the world in change. Without the string, without the obstacles, we can see and understand the signs more clearly and follow them as they invite us to something new.
Find a way
I believe in living without this string, being free, without expectations. Then, nothing need to be forced, I just need to accept what I cannot change. I believe in living every second, taking one step after the other and find my way with sensitivity.
Nicole Edensbo before a dive of freediving. Photo by: Bastien Soleil Free life & freediving
I write about this as a reflection of my thoughts and a comparison to freediving. How I approach freediving oftentimes seems to work as a way of approaching life itself. Many times, I have learned to approach life through my experiences from freediving. This issue is nothing different. It can be compared to a dive.
Drop your expectations. Approach your dive and accept what happens.
Every moment the situation in a dive is changing. …from the countdown to officical top until being above the surface again. How I perceive a dive is affected from my approach towards it. In a dive it is important, at least for me, to empty my mind, drop all expectations from myself and others and be here and now. Every moment must be a moment of acceptance. The dive should not be forced just experienced with sensitivity. All the time I must be responsive for the signs that tell me to move on or take a new breath of fresh air. Every dive is a new dive and should be treated like a child with no expectations, acceptance and sensitivity. And the same goes for life itself.
Nicole Edensbo in ascent of a dive of freediving. Photo by: Bastien SoleilDrop your expectations. Approach your dive and accept what happens, accept change. Do this with sensitivity and you will find your way.
Drop your expectations. Approach life and accept what happens, accept change. Do this with sensitivity and you will find your way.Be kind to yourself, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2020-02-27
Villefranche-sur-Mer, FranceLife no limits
Every day I learn new things about the World. Every day I learn new things about life and my reality. I have understood more and more that we all live in the same World, but different lifes in different realities. The reality is unique for every single one of us. My reality is not the same as your reality. Your reality is not the same as any other’s. All of us are unique, and it is every single person’s own responsibility to live the reality they want to live.
Nicole Edensbo freediver. Photo by: Jakob Sandberg It is your decision
What is important to know is that no one else can tell us what to do with our lives. The decision is our own. It is all in our own hands. No one can tell us what to do or where to go. It is every single person’s own decision. We have to realize that we have the power to create and live the reality we want to live. I don’t say it is always easy to make all these decisions, because whatever decision we make there is one thing we have to deal with. That is to face the consequences of the decisions we make.
People feel safe in pretending that there are limits of what they can do in life.
This way of thinking might upset people, but I think people actually like pretending being back bound not able to do what they want because of a job, a relationship, family or friends. People feel safe in pretending that there are limits of what they can do in life. When people understand that everything in life is possible, life gets to big…I guess. It seems that it is better to pretend that there are limits and restrictions because then no one will express any expectations on one self or the others.
Everyone has the choice to do what they want…and follow the flow of life.
A provoking life
I have understood that I provoke some people with these thoughts and the actions I take with this way of thinking. I chose to live free and do what suits me. Some people call it egoistic and irresponsible. Other people say that I am lucky and fortunate to do what I do. They say it in a way as if they could not do something similar, to fulfill their dreams. To do what they truly want. The comments about being egoistic, I can accept, if that is the word they want to use. About being lucky I don’t totally agree. Everyone has the choice to do what they want, to go where the heart wants and follow the flow of life. Again, I don’t say it is always easy to face the consequences of the decisions. Many of us are too attached to places and people. These choices have not only been easy for me, I have faced consequences and dealt with some so far.
Nicole Edensbo freediver. Photo by: Jakob Sandberg A parallell
What is interesting is that I have seen kind of the same situations in freediving. People feel safe when they come to the training session and say; “I feel a little bit tired today…I will not do a hard training”, “Oh, I ate to much before the training…I cannot do a longer dive”. “My throat is a little bit sore…I think I will take it easy” When they say that I guess that they escape from the situation of having expectations on themselves or expectations from others doing extraordinary things. It is totally ok to not have expectations, everyone does not have to do the longest breath holds or do the longest dives or climb the highest mountains.
Life is now
But, if I at the same time say it is OK, why do I bring it up? It is because people seem to long for something else than their actual reality. They long for something different, adventures, nature…life. But, they seem to think that the possibilities in life are limited. Instead of living the life they want, maybe in a different way they indulge in other realities such as series, and social media on daily basis. Some people seem to want to escape the biggest part of the reality living for only a few moments in life. The consequences of making a change in life seem to be too hard to deal with. Therefor people pretend there are distractions in their way to fulfill dreams and live life. People pretend, and this becomes their reality.
…there are infinite opportunities and countless paths to go.
In my opinion life is too precious to be lived that way. I think life is meant to be lived every day, every second. Life is meant to be lived fully, every moment. People seem to lose life in the chase of life, “the perfect moments”. What is true is that the perfect moment is now, now and now. We need to wake up, make a decision and live.
Nicole Edensbo freediver. Photo by: Jakob Sandberg Life no limits
Remember, you are in charge of your own life. No one else can tell you what to do. The decision is yours. In this life there are infinite opportunities and countless paths to go. You are the one in charge, you are the captain of your own ship. What you have to do is to make up your mind and live a life with no limits.
Be kind to your self, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2020-02-16
Villefranche-sur-Mer, FranceEnter life!
Do you ever find yourself lost in time and space doing what you love? Have you ever fully entered the world of your passion? What is your true passion?
What is your true passion?
Nicole Edensbo freediving in the Mediterranean sea. Photo by: Bastien SoleilWhat is important?
Maybe you have never thought of that, or maybe you have. Maybe you have found yourself thinking of what your true passion and purpose in life is but not finding the answer because the time ran out. The time ran out because there was work to do at the office, or you had to go to buy that shirt for this dinner or you needed to create that outstanding post on Instagram.
We lose touch with ourselves in this machine called life.
Our minds are so occupied by everything happening in the world around us. We find it so important that we don’t prioritize time to discover ourselves. There are too many impressions that distract us from being able to hear, listen to and consider our own voice with its message. Work seems to be more important than living our own lives. Status and relationships overshadows our individual needs. We are so busy to create and realize the image of a perfect life we think we are supposed to live that we forget about ourselves. We lose touch with ourselves in this machine called life.
It is your choice
I would say it is rare that people follow their voices, their passion and their dreams because of the structure of the world we live in. The thing is just that no one except our selves can know what that voice is telling us. We are fully responsible for our own lives and cannot blame anyone around us for the choices that we make. There are no musts in life living in this world. The only thing we have to be prepared of though, are the consequences of the choices and prioritizations that we do.
…maybe that is…what we need, to not have ha certain traced path in which we can go blind.
Though, doing something different, breaking the patterns of our society has a price. The different path is not as straight and clear as the one of the society. The path outside the map we know about might need more effort and awareness for every step taken. And maybe, that is exactly what we need, to not have ha certain traced path in which we can go blind. But one, where we have to keep our eyes opened and be present in every moment.
Keep your eyes opened.
Nicole Edensbo freediving in Greece. Photo by: Bastien SoleilRealize your dream
I have talked to so many people that speak of their passion as a dream, and only a dream. Dreams that are not possible to live, that are not possible to realize. The thought of that the dreams are not achievable is because they know that everything has a price. Most of the time it is difficult to have the cake and eat it.
…your dreams will not be dreams anymore, but your reality.
Listen to this part inside of you as it speaks, maybe it is not loud, but it is there. Your true voice. It might be hard to hear it because if the noise from the outside world with its distracting blur of “duties”, “musts” and “media” of all kind. The voice of the world is so loud and almost unescapable. To find the quietness that we need from time to time there seems to be a deserted island needed to find peace and quiet. Start to pay attention and sooner or later you will hear it. The voice. Follow it, follow life.
What do I want to say?
What I want with this text is to encourage to live life. What I also want to say with thisis that everything is possible. I want to encourage you to live your life every moment. You just have to listen, be brave and believe and things will fall into place. When you truly believe your dreams will come true, and your dreams will not be dreams anymore, but your reality.
Be kind to your self, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2020-01-19
Villefranche-sur-Mer, FranceThe Voice of Change
Have you ever heard the voice of change? Maybe you hear it, listen to it and even follow it. Maybe you hear it but force against it, controlling the world around you.
Need for change
Everything changes all the time, all the time everything is moving. From the biggest mountain to the smallest atom, from the most violent storm to the gentle breath of a living being. Everywhere there is movement. Sometimes the change is so small that we cannot even see it, or so slow that we cannot percieve it. Things are changing, inside of you and inside of me. I think we forget about this sometimes. Being to busy doing other things than to hear, listen and follow to the voice of change. Instead we tend to cling to a comfortable, static subsistence.
Photo by: Bastien Soleil The cracking hurts, but the voice of change is so strong. Determined it tells me to move…
What we don’t understand is that that kind of subsistense is just an imaginary creation in our lifes that needs to be controlled and forced. It has nothing to do with the world around us. That subsistence could be comfortable in a world that does not change. But that is not the way it is. Instead this world strives for balance with all of its energy. Balance means change, balance means movement. To antagonise that enery there is the same amount of energy needed. Sooner or later the imaginary subsistence will crack from all the tension around. The crack has different shapes. Sometimes disguised as an imbalance in relations, in the body, or mind.
Move on
I have started to try to listen and follow this voice of change instead of fighting the energy back. Instead I follow that stream of energy. I try to follow even as the voice seems to lead me in the opposite direction of my comfortable, static, imaginary subsistense. This is when the discussion starts within me.
At one hand, what do I find in the existence of following the wind?
On the other hand, what do I experience being stationed in one place?
What am I willing to sacrifice?
How does this affect people around me?Photo by: Bastien Soleil The cracking hurts, but the voice of change is so strong. Determined it tells me to move, to follow even the smallest wind, to gather with other winds. Together, being in the middle of the treasure of life.
As I follow the never ending voice of change I percieve the treasure of life;…
Photo by: Bastien Soleil The treasure of life
I have understood, being dynamic not attached to a certain place, certain people or certain situations make me see the beauty of the very moment more easily. This happens when I don’t use my attention, my energy to force my subsistense. As I follow the never ending voice of change I percieve the treasure of life; The very moment, in the wonder of the Universe.
Be kind to your self, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2019-12-17
Åsbo, SwedenIn between
Leaving a place and moving on to a new one has always been emotionally a bit of a struggle for me. Changes around me make me feel many feelings at the same time. Now, time has come, I leave Kalamata for this time. …the emotional carousel is on.
Photo by: Bastien Soleil The whole range of feelings approach me again. All feelings at the same time. I feel happiness and sadness, lukewarm tears stroke my face, for a short while, lingering on my smiling lips before they enter my mouth and land on my tongue. The precious moments of the past make me taste the salty emotions of life. Cold tears pour from the sky, also landing on my tongue but with a sweet taste reminding me of the many precious moments to come.
It is the uniqueness of the very moment that makes it beautiful…let the sunshine from the moments spread its golden light on you back and lift you to higher levels.
I am in between the past and the future. I am in this very moment soaked by the contrasting feelings of life, of ending a chapter and entering a new.
I feel happiness and sadness, I feel full and empty. I feel inspired to meet the future at the same time as a part of me wants to hold on to the past full of wonderful memories. A past full of heat and pleasure, of cold and pain. The past of infinity and nothingness experienced with limitless love and passion.Photo by: Nestori Virtanen I feel so blessed and so fortunate, so grateful for everything that I have, and don’t have. So grateful for everything that is a part of my life. I am grateful for what is not a part of my life any more but that added golden shimmer to the moments.
It is the fact that these moments will never come again that makes them precious. It is the uniqueness of the very moment that makes it beautiful. Let go, even of what is precious. Let the sunshine from the moments spread its golden light on you back and lift you to higher levels.Photo by: Bastien Soleil I am leaving a chapter, entering another. It is overwhelming. The whole range of feelings approach me again. All feelings at the same time.
I let it rain.Be kind to your self, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2019-11-17
Somewhere in between, Earth“Screw the box”
Within the freediving world there are people who have unique perspectives of life. I have had the opportunity to meet one of them. One of the most extraordinary persons I met, Stig Pryds. The words below are the words of Stig.
…it sometimes feels like life is trying to fit you in a box…maybe you don’t fit in this box…
Stig PrydsScrew the box
“it sometimes feels like life is trying to fit you in a box
school is putting you in a box
your job is putting you in a box
your insurance company is putting you in a boxmaybe you don’t fit in this box
maybe you don’t want to be in this box at all
and the only way out is a dark roadit is not an easy decision to take
it is not an easy road to walk
but the feeling of being trapped in a box is just…so you venture into the dark
and it turns out that the dark doesn’t hurt
your eyes adjust and you see where the road is leading
it often leads to a point where you have to take a leap of faith
or go back to the box
so you jumpthe faith bit is not so much the leaping
it’s in the landing
the space between them can feel forever
but when you land – and you will
you will learn that the landing teaches you to fly”Stig Pryds, Freediver
Photo by: Bastien Soleil See also
See the video Stig did together with the famous underwater photographer Daan Verhoeven – Screw the box. Visit Stigs website if you want to know more about him and his acheivements at
Be kind to yourself, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2019-11-09
Kalamata, Greece10 Life Quotes of a Freediver
It has come to be quite many texts, posts and quotes since I started writing this blog. I am happy to have a platform to share my thoughts. In this post I have selected 10 quotes about life that I want to share with you.
Peace & Reflection
“The more peace we have within our own lives, the more we can reflect into the outer world. Without reflection, we go blindly on our way. Find what brings your peace, find time to reflect, and your way will appear both bright and clear.”
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Posionous Beauty
“Discover and explore all the beauty of the world. Enjoy it through the eyes of curiosity and true passion. Though, don’t be seduced or blinded by beauty because even beauty can be poisonous. Keep a distance, stay true to yourself. What is most beautiful is within you. The love and beauty within yourself.”
Find the Balance
“Everyone must find their own stability and get to know what conditions are best for themselves and grow from there. Build your own foundation, find your balance and fly.”
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Breath In & Refuel
“Take the time you need to refuel. Breathe in, breathe out. Inhale the future, exhale the past and embrace the very moment towards extraordinary achievements.”
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Live Your Life
“Realize and live the life you only dream about. Dare to step out of your comfort zone. Explore your self as well as the world around you. Life is happening now.”
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Clarity of Mind
“The mind is like water, when it is turbulent it is difficult to see. When it is calm everything becomes clear. Find your peace and clear your mind.”
Self Love
“Always remember to be kind to your self. Being kind to your self starts with showing self love. By unconditional love for your self you will be able to accept who you are and what you are. You will be able to forgive and move on. Move on with a smiling heart.”
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Solitude
“Stillness and solitude introduces you to the secrets of your self.”
Consuming Progress
“The extreme focus on the outside inhibits our ability to come closer to life. It consumes us until we don’t know who we are except from our apparition as a reflection in the mirror.”
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Let the Storm Clear
Whatever storm you may be facing, remember that you are so much bigger than it is. Find hope in the knowledge that you can and will recover. Restore peace, regain trust, and recognize your will to keep moving. You are clear, bright and steady. The storm is just the conditions around you. Let it clear and meet the new version of your self on the other side.”
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Be kind to your self, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2019-10-29
Kalamata, GreeceMy Freediving Story
The story below is the freediving story of my first 18 months while entering the world of competitive freediving. In the text I also chose to share some of my general thoughts that have grown through my freediving experience.
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Love for the fourth element
I grew up in a big family in Sweden, all of us with a mutual love for the water. My childhood memories are mainly related to happy moments by rivers, lakes or even at the pool or at sea. Most of my weekends and holidays were head underwater as I always preferred to stay below the surface, going deep and being a part of the water. It was my playground, where I felt relaxed and always naturally safe. I guess, my life as a freediver started as a child with the true love for being surrounded by the water, the fourth element.
Introduced to freediving
In the autumn of 2016, I started with freediving, after many years of running and working out at the gym, I wanted to do something different. In 2016, I found a freediving club in Gothenburg and started to train pool freediving. Since I had been doing other competitive sports and performed on a stage during almost all my childhood and teenage years I was used to the situation of competitions and handling the nerves before and during a performance. I joined some competitions, I was quite good at it even as a beginner and I really liked it.
Photos by: Elin Larsgren
Passion & Results
Freediving is a single person sport but still you need a buddy to be there for you. For me freediving is about trust, trusting yourself and trusting your buddy. I was lucky to find that buddy. During the winter of 2016 and spring of 2017 my training became more serious. From the start my buddy believed in my capacity and understood my needs. Through the buddy relation I found a freediving friend who lifted me in the way I needed to be lifted and grounded when I needed to slow down. I am very good at pushing myself and don’t need someone to push me. So, our personalities worked well together, we were balanced, and both of our results improved through the understanding of each other’s needs and our passion for freediving.
…I broke the Swedish national record in DYN twice with 206 and 210 meters….I realized I had become an elite freediver…
We joined many competitions, both national and international. My progress was good, and the results improved fast. In the Swedish Championship in Pool Freediving 2018 I placed first in all three disciplines and hence my first overall victory in the nationals. In the following AIDA Word Championship in Pool Freediving in June 2018 I broke the Swedish national record in DYN twice with 206 and 210 meters. This happend in less than 18 months of dedication. I realized I had become an elite freediver.
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Freediving approach
I happen to be the kind of person that is satisfied with neither good or better. I always want to be the best of myself. This approach leads to very good results, but it also has a backside. It is easy to break down in success or on the way to this objective. This is when it is important to remember that passion must come from within and not from the obsession of achieving external results. Expectations from yourself and people around can easily turn a harmonious passion to something destructive.
The line between harmonious passion and obsessive passion is not always clear…is important to do be responsive and aware.
To achieve good results, focus must be on the process and not the result itself. With that way of thinking there is nothing called failure, only lessons learned. It has been a challenge to keep it on a balanced level since freediving is a passion for me and at the same time it had led to great external results. The line between harmonious passion and obsessive passion is not always clear. When entering a world with focus on results it is important to do be responsive and aware.
Thoughts through freediving
Freediving has led me to evolve both physically and mentally on a level that I couldn’t even imagine before I started. The references for what are hassles have been moved through my experiences and achievements within freediving. It is extremely exciting to explore and get to know myself deeper on the mental level and find the connections to the physical performance as I do through freediving. I reflect a lot about mindset and mental and physical health. Through my experiences I see parallels between freediving and life itself. I want to be present and aware, take the time I need for reflection and recovery. Through freediving I learn how to approach life itself, to be in the present moment, here and now through the act of awarenss. Freediving has become my lifestyle: A lifestyle that starts with being kind to myself.
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Be kind to your self, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2019-10-18
Kalamata, GreeceAcceptance
In the post Lifechanger I explained that the text was a short a simplified version of everything that have happened the last months. Many of the circumstances that made me come to the decision of changing my life was not even mentioned, there are many details not being told. This post is about the acceptance given from the people around.
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Prioritizing
I started training and competing pool freediving exactly three years ago. From the first training session, I was hooked. I started freediving because I wanted a new form of training, but freediving ended up being my only focus. My family and friends were by my side, they could see how freediving started changing my life. They could see the transformation. From the first training, I changed my priorities. I started always prioritizing freediving training and competition instead of dinner, party or even weddings. This have not always been appreciated. Some people see it as a sacrifice, but I don’t like that word. What I do, is simply making choices prioritizing with the help of my intuition. Freediving have been prioritized on many levels for many reasons since it has become my entire life style.
Photo by: Bastien Soleil For me, to be accepted as I am, is the most beautiful gift of love someone can give me.
The consequences have not always been the easiest to handle. The people around me have not always understood the choices I have made. Though, they have accepted and respected them. They have accepted me going my way and welcomed me with open arms when we meet. Without the acceptance from family and friends the journey would not have been the same.
It is important to be able to follow the intuition that comes from within without being compared and questioned by the people around. I have realized, to be accepted and to accept the choices of others are the key for healthy relations. Relations without attachments, wishing the best for the other, relations where letting go is a way of expressing love, these are, for me, real love relations. Some people have the strength to live with this way of seeing things and I am happy to be a part of their lives. For me, to be accepted as I am, is the most beautiful gift of love someone can give me.
…expect the best and accept everything.
I am grateful
I’m lucky to have beautiful people in my life, who see how important the freediving is to me and what it does to me. People who allow me to be who I am. I am eternally grateful for my life and to be part of some people lives even if it often means that I am in the periphery. Without many of these people, I wouldn’t be who I am and where I am today, this very moment. I take nothing or no one, for granted. I expect the best and accept everything.
Photo by: Bastien Soleil Want to read more?
The Shape of Deep Freediving, Balance Life, Harmonious or Obsessive Passion? are some posts if you want to read more about my thoughts and reflections around freediving.
Follow me on instagram if you want to be updated with more photos and shorter texts @nicoleedensbo.Be kind to your self, be kind to others.
Nicole Edensbo, 2019-10-01
Kalamata, Greece